Friday, October 2, 2009

WOW, October already...

I guess the fall blues will arrive shortly. The shorter days sure are depressing. Still warmish, and lots of rain lately. I am not complaining, I know we need it, doesn't mean I like it.
Garden is really responding. Paper whites are sprouting, Calla lilies are breaking ground, the lizards are fighting and falling from trees. Fall is here, for good or bad. Got 4 new citrus trees, planted 2, got 2 to go, but also may get a few more. I need a Tangelo...they are delicious!!

Right now, the horrors of summer is forgotten, and I think 1/2acre is too small...What happened??? I went from, how can we fill this, to how can I squeeze something else in. Bought a few new plants, Black and blue Salvia. Wanted one for years, and there it was, waiting for me to bring it home. Also picked up some fall bulbs. Amaryllis ( belladonna) calla lilies, and Rauluncocus(sp).

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