Thursday, October 29, 2009

What's up with the weather????

Isn't that the age old question??? I am confused. Is it gonna be sunny/rainy/hot or cold? I NEVER get it right. Got my winter gear on and it's sunny and 85. THEN thinking I learned something, next day I wear a t-shirt, and I'm about to freeze to death not to mention it's also raining. Right now it's sunny and raining. Go figure!

Got some new additions for the yard, this Better Homes and Gardens collection urn I think it'll look great when the agave in it has grown a bit. Now I just have to find the PERFECT spot for it.

It is nice for a change to go for an early morning stroll and temps being in the 60's. That was a few days ago, THIS morning it was 76. and Sunny rain, yes, it's possible.

Also one of my newest acquisitions. I am thinking I have inadvertently started a new collection.

This is Pinwheel Jasmine.
It smells just as wonderful as all my other Jasmines. See there's that collection. I have Pink, Maids of Orleans, Pinwheel, Star and Madagascar.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Looking back ...

through my pictures and found my Halloween Decor from a few years ago. These Orange Gerbera Daisies really fit the Halloween Spirit.
NEXT year, I think I may perhaps decorate a bit for Halloween. This year I haven't come to terms with it being October yet. One year I will get some decorating done.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday....and Sunny...and warm

Got a few 100 bulbs planted. Also planted some gerbera daisies, a Salvia Greggii, and cleaned up. Dh pruned the peach trees. Really can't believe HOW fast they have grown. Then Puppy almost destroyed the Greggii.... I don't know for SURE it was him, but he has a history.
Sitting on Rain lily I was taking pictures off, Sitting in Flower bed, Walking on newly planted Alyssum... Yes he's cute, but.....
It's funny how having multiple dogs, you instantly "know" who did what. Normally I am right, but there is an element of doubt. Greggis are harder to assess. I can ALWAYS tell who was in the Plumbago... Those sticky flowers, SCREAMS I am the one the sat there. It's hard to make me believe that when he has a blue flower stuck to his behind....and no, I don't think the other two are smart enough to "frame" him.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

October Garden stroll

I just can't get enough of the palm/black ornamental pepper look. I just LOVE the contrast. Mix it with Milkweed, white lantana, and Zinnias ant I think its a winning look. The orange next to the dark purple foliage is just stunning. Why haven't I thought of that before???


The next one is some type of petunia if I am not mistaken. Think it's an Asian type, but right now I cant id it. Does really well, and I like it. A late bloomer, didn't start til mid summer to get blooms.
The next one I thought had died. It looked so sad as it withered away this summer, browning and I was sure dying. A few drops of rain and this baby is back. Bought it an Oct many years ago. I don't know it's real name, but it was a breast cancer awareness plant, and I renamed it Debbie. So here we go... Debbie Dahlia. Blooms are about 4in across, and it grows less than 1ft tall

Then we get to lemons. There is no better fragrance than lemon flowers. They are beautiful, and must be tasty as well. Bees are bumming alomg, moving from blossom to blossom. IT really perfumes the air nicely.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Bulbs part deux

Got 12 of these Indian lily's or Camassia leichtlinii- 18-24in tall, 8-12 in spread, supposed to naturalise well. we'll see, but it does look funky


Just because they were on special, I got 10 of these checkered lilies, Fritillaria meleagris...I think they'll probably be annuals for me, but we'll see. They are hardy Zone 3-8

Then I got Anemones. Singles and doubles, multicolor. 110 of them.. Pink Ranunculus (40)
Daffodils, yellow ones, (100), Paperwhites, (40)

Lots of these I ordered from Michigan Bulb Co, and I am impressed at the speed of delivery, from the shipping notice, until they were at my house, didn't take more than 24hrs. They all looked great. Have read some not so great reviews on Dave's garden. But so far I like what I see. Also ordered some Red Fox Veronica's (6plants) came very healthy in a funky plant holder thing that kept everything in place.
Most of the allium came from New Holland Bulb, also super fast shipping, and all the bulbs seem to be healthy.

Got my bulbs..part one

All 5 gazillion...slightly exaggerated, but close. Sitting in front of the computer, daydreaming about my garden this past August, I got the BRILLIANT idea of ordering bulbs. I wanted SWEEPING displays in the garden... so I ordered in multiples of 100.
Drumstick Allium, or Allium Sphaerocephalon...purple 20-24in tall 1in flower head, and should do well in Z4-10. Got 100 of these


Nectaroscodum siculum
24-48in tall, with 4-6in blooms.

Large nodding umbels of white or cream flowers, flushed pink or purplish red, and tinted green at the base

Got 100 of these
Allium Roseum,

12-14 in tall, probably great towards the front of the border.

Got 100 of these


Allium Caeruleum-18-22 in tall , got a 100 of these

Allium Aflatunense "Purple Sensation"

One of the best for adding variety of form and color to borders and mixed beds. Purple Sensation blooms in late spring or early summer, producing 4” lilac purple pompom blooms atop 3’ to 3-1/2’ stalks that soar up from a base of broad-leaved foliage. Use them for bouquets fresh or dried. They grow best in partial shade, zones 3-11

Got 50 of these

Allium oreophilum, Alpine Rosy Bells:
10 in tall, got 80 of these

Sterling Star lily, 24-36 in tall, flowers 5-6in across, 8-12in spread. Plant 5-6in deep, 9-12 in apart. Ooops, I planted all of these, and might have spaced them a smidgen to close. Got 12 of these
Lavender Mountain Lily.
Got two different kinds, a bluish one and a purplish one. 15 in tall. Got 120 of these

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Plants To achieve a Cottage Garden Look...

in my Z9 garden.

Texas Rock Rose: (Pavonia lasiopetala): Small shrubb. 3ft*3ft. In the mornig these small shrubs/woody perennails and covered in 1in wide pink hibiscus like blooms. THe flowers close in the afternoon. TX native that's EXTREMELY drought tolerant. Z8 and up. Short lived, but self seeds easily.>

Plumbago (Plumbago auriculata): White or blue varieties. Small shrub. Can be grown as a tender perennial in Z8, fully hardy Z9 and up, annual elswhere. Very Drought tolerant, doesn't miss abeat in the heat. Blooms on new wood. In z8 it will die back to the ground.

Mexican Petunias(Ruellia brittoniana): 2-3ft tall and wide evergreen perennial. Loves the heat, very drounght tolerant in ground, in areas with enough moisture it can be a bit invasive(or so I have read).That's not a problem for me (annual rainfall about 25in a year). Wilts frequently without plenty of water in containers. Comes in purple, pink and white. Also comes in a dwarf variety that's only 8-10 in tall and white. Perfect border plant Hardy Z8-10, marginal with protection in Z7

Passion Flower: Distinctive Flowers and floiage. Some varieties are evergreen and bloom year round. Excellent substitute for Clematis. My favorite variety is Lavender Lady. A sterile variety. Best blooms are in Sept-December, but will bloom throughout the year. Flowers are about 5 in wide. No pest or desease issues. Takes the heat EXTREMELY well (not all passion wines likes heat) and is VERY drought tolerant.

Datura/Moonflower Bush/Jimsonweed: *Poisonus* 2-ft tall and wide. Enormeous white flowers open at dusk, and dies in the late morning. Very heat and drought tolerant. Owerwinters for me in Z9. Probably an annual most elsewhere. A good similar plant is Angels Trumpets. Datura, flowers pint up, Angel T. flowers point down. Angel Trumpets also comes in different colors beside white. Pale yellow, peach, pink and purple. Double flowers also available.

Pentas (Digitalis Pentas lanceolata): Z9 and up, annual elsewhere. Might come back with good mulch cower in Z8. Many varieties from short (<12in)>

Purple Mist Flower. Easy going perennial. Partial shade, sperads, but is easily confined. I like to let it ramble around other plants. Can withstand heat and drought. Colors range from bluish~purple~white

Salvia.... Salvias are the BACKBONE of my garden. From evergreen shrubby perennials to fast growing annuals. I personally divide Salvias in 2 Groups. The Blues, and the Red-Pink-White

Salvia Greggii. Shrubby evergreen perennial. Should be chopped back hard in early spring, and cut back by 1/3 3 times a year to prevent them from becoming woody and leggy, and to encourage a new flush of blooms. Tolerates heat and drought. Comes in Whites, Pinks, Corals and Reds. 2-4ft tall and wide.

Tropical Sage: Tender perennial Z9, Red-White-Pink. Cut back spent blooms to encourage bushiness and flowers. Self seeds easily, and grows EXTREMELY fast.

Mealy Cup Sage 12in*12in. Blue-silvery/blue-white Great little reliable, don't really have to give it much attention. EXCEPT. Humid weather encourages POWDERY Mildew. Easy to take care of preventative. Blooms sun-shade.

Indigo Spires: Purple flowers 5ft tall*3ft wide. A "dwarf" variety is also out that gets to be 3ft*3ft. Cut back by 1/3 after every flush of flowers to encourage bushiness and flowers. Very drought tolerant. Does in my experience not self seed.
I have many other salvias...I think salvias will work for any garden any style, depending on how they are used.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Hot and muggy this morning. Garden thermometer was at 82degrees at 8am. It is really amazing how fast grass can grow. Yep, MOWED again. That's twice so far this week. The mugginess was awful. camera lens fogged up, and took for forever to aclimatize. Made a really nice picture some point today a coldfront is going to sweep by, and its supposed to bring our temps down to high 70's for the weekend.
After mowing, walked around the yard just to enjoy. A mum is blooming its head off next to a white lantana. Actually all of the lantanas are blooming. I guess they don't appreciate 100+ temps either.
Something has eaten all the leaves of my Penta, and the Lavender Gomphrena are doing well. They really are a tough annual. Gerbera daisies are blooming... it's really like a second spring. Speaking of Spring, Lemon tree is blooming, and a new bloomstalk formed on my Yucca. Yep... In October. Foliage color is starting to turn on the peach and crape myrtles. soom the canopty will be bare.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Cold Front Came through...

...didn't bring a lot of rain, just thunder and lightning. That means Puppy entered the complete panicked dog mode, broke the fence, and somehow, squeezed through and out. GREAT... Another thing to fix. Living with dogs can be a challenge, trying to have a nice, or rather decent garden and large dogs, that's frustrating. Here are some examples of our daily struggles.... HOLES...the best ones are made where you don't want them. Under a tree, in your flowerbed, that's a favorite spot to dig. Sitting on, peeing on or ripping plants out of the ground, also something we are dealing with.

All of this are destructive Puppy Examples. Though Kaos and Raven also provides destruction, the little one is the worst. Here you can see some evidence, that the little angel really doesn't care about my flower beds, or my plants for that matter. With his goose (toy of the moment) in between and on, Purple Fountain Grass, Calendula seedlings. Him walking on a Salvia greggi and Canna, and what's left of my newest daylily.

WOW, October already...

I guess the fall blues will arrive shortly. The shorter days sure are depressing. Still warmish, and lots of rain lately. I am not complaining, I know we need it, doesn't mean I like it.
Garden is really responding. Paper whites are sprouting, Calla lilies are breaking ground, the lizards are fighting and falling from trees. Fall is here, for good or bad. Got 4 new citrus trees, planted 2, got 2 to go, but also may get a few more. I need a Tangelo...they are delicious!!

Right now, the horrors of summer is forgotten, and I think 1/2acre is too small...What happened??? I went from, how can we fill this, to how can I squeeze something else in. Bought a few new plants, Black and blue Salvia. Wanted one for years, and there it was, waiting for me to bring it home. Also picked up some fall bulbs. Amaryllis ( belladonna) calla lilies, and Rauluncocus(sp).