Saturday, August 28, 2010

P1040476.JPGIt's that time of year again, fall bulbs are available at garden centers and online vendors again.  Last fall I went COMPLETELY overboard. 
I had had the hottest driest summer EVER, 60+ days over 100, and no wet stuff.  When fall arrived, or late August, depending on how you look at it, I went NUTS!!!!
I ended up with well over 1000, yes that is over a thousand bulbs.  It is so easy to order, not quite as much fun planting them.  Actually, past the first two bulbs, I had had enough, but eventually got all my bulbs planted and expected a magnificent spring show.  There were 600 alliums in the mix, a couple hundred daffodils, and the rest stuff I wanted to try out. 12445iA76997C5F7318EC4
Needless to say I was very disappointed this spring when, out of the 600 alliums, only about 50 if that ended up blooming. The bulbs I wanted to try out, well, they didn't do anything.
This year I am sticking with what I know will work.  That means daffodils, ranunculus, paperwhites, anemone, amaryllis and peruvian daffodils.
Already seen the bulbs for sale, so guess what I am doing....getting me some spring garden candy!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Great Garden Pants

Notable plants I will rely on more in the next few years.  These have been doing good in hot hot hot, and dry dry dry conditions.  That makes them perfect Texas garden companions.

12138i4E1480AC237E7236Datura...Absolutely LOVE these, and the bonus is that they come back year after year.   I love love love watching these flowers open at dusk.  The hotter it gets the more it grows.  Not really a surprise it does well, since its also known as Jimson's Weed, and Thornapple, and are native to TX.
Perfect for a night garden...they really sparkle in moonlight.

Plumbago.  What's not to love about Plumbago?  12140iBDDC4DB64E9CCAA8I have many of both the blue and white varieties.  I call them the hydrangeas of the west. 
The pale blue or white blooms cover the small shrub, all season long.  Usually they go on and on, just about all year round.  This past year with our terrible winter, most died back to the ground.  The blue ones also produce babies, I haven't gotten any babies of the white one.  Also easy to multiply these by layering. I have never tried them in containers, so I don't really know how they would do.
Picture has a bonus butterfly, and yes, butterflies love to feed on it.
Sweet Potato Vine, however, spreads like wildfire in the ground, definitely a container only plant. Blackie is better behaved, and not as vigorous as Limelight, and Tricolor.  and they are soooooo easy to propagate.  just stick 'em in water and roots form.  I have also stuck them straight into moist potting soil, making sure the soil stays wet/moist for about a week, and then you have a new plant.  Does really well in drought conditions, especially in the I forgot to water my containers for a few days, kinda drought.  I see them around town planted in the ground, and they always look lush.  When I pick garden bouquet, I like to add some sweet potato leafs, gives some great foliage. 
Oh and as a nice bonus, blackie produce pink petunia like flowers, if you're lucky.

Great Garden Plants

Notable plants I will rely on more in the next few years.  These have been doing good in hot hot hot, and dry dry dry conditions.  That makes them perfect Texas garden companions.

Datura...Absolutely LOVE these, and the bonus is that they come back year after year.   I love love love watching these flowers open at dusk.  The hotter it gets the more it grows.  Not really a surprise it does well, since its also known as Jimson's Weed, and Thornapple, and are native to TX.
Perfect for a night garden...they really sparkle in moonlight.

Plumbago.  What's not to love about Plumbago?  I have many of both the blue and white varieties.  I call them the hydrangeas of the west. 

The pale blue or white blooms cover the small shrub, all season long.  Usually they go on and on, just about all year round.  This past year with our terrible winter, most died back to the ground.  The blue ones also produce babies, I haven't gotten any babies of the white one.  Also easy to multiply these by layering. I have never tried them in containers, so I don't really know how they would do.
Picture has a bonus butterfly, and yes, butterflies love to feed on it.
Sweet Potato Vine, however, spreads like wildfire in the ground, definitely a container only plant. Blackie is better behaved, and not as vigorous as Limelight, and Tricolor.  and they are soooooo easy to propagate.  just stick 'em in water and roots form.  I have also stuck them straight into moist potting soil, making sure the soil stays wet/moist for about a week, and then you have a new plant.  Does really well in drought conditions, especially in the I forgot to water my containers for a few days, kinda drought.  I see them around town planted in the ground, and they always look lush.  When I pick garden bouquet, I like to add some sweet potato leafs, gives some great foliage. 
Oh and as a nice bonus, blackie produce pink petunia like flowers, if you're lucky.