Thursday, August 27, 2009

End of August doesn't mean end of Summer

This is looking like a record breaking year. Just not a record I wanted Central TX to attempt. We are in severe drought conditions, Stage 2 Water restrictions and Currently we've had 66 days over 100 degrees. In essence this means, no gardening, no going outside and no energy to even think about possibly doing something. Trees are loosing leaves, plants dying back and what used to be called a lawn, is now dry dirt between what used to be garden beds. For months I've been in denial, thinking surely, we're gonna get some rain....but no. Looks like we're not.

So this has been a summer filled of firsts.

First summer I haven't mowed the lawn
First summer I haven't wanted to go out in the yard
First summer I haven't brought new and exciting loot home from the nursery.
First summer I haven't been near a nursery, or wanted to go to one.

I have also learned that plants I thought were drought tolerant in fact can and will die in high heat/low water situations. Most notably:

Salvia greggii
Cone flowers
4 o'clocks
assortment of evergreen shrubs
assortment of ornamental grasses
assortment of palm trees.

I have till now been depressed about gardening. Anybody would, brown is usually NOT the color we strive to have in the garden. I have however gotten a boost. Looking at the beautiful garden pictures from my garden buddies, especially Sherry and Sue, has brought the drive back. For good or bad, and time will only tell if this will lead into disappointment or glee.

I have ordered some fall bulbs, and I have been looking at replacements for my dahlias. I have also been looking at for pretty plants that loves excruciating heat and no water. I have already mostly used native and adapted plants in my garden, but this year that doesn't seem to be enough. There's only SO many Agave's you can have in a yard without looking weird, even if you have a large space.